New hire service will break up with your partner for you

As the well known saying goes, “breaking up is hard to do”, but does this age-old adage ring true if you get someone else to do the breaking up for you? Thanks to a new hire service sweeping the internet in China, people stuck in an unhappy relationship can hire a “break-up artist” to deliver the bad news to their other half, thereby avoiding the awkward moment entirely.

Mr Ge Bangsham is a renowned break up artist working in China who advertises his services via a popular online website. For a very reasonable fee of just 100 Yuan (£10) he will break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend on your behalf. His usual technique is to pose as a friend of the party doing the dumping, talking the boyfriend or girlfriend out of the relationship using information fed to him from the person he was hired by.

The experienced break-up artists also offers extra services to smooth over the post-breakup period. For an additional fee Mr Ge will ensure that your ex doesn’t try to stalk you, threaten suicide or generally harass you after the deed has been done, leaving you free to get on with your life.

Although the service would appeal to many people who dread the confrontation of finishing a relationship, Mr Ge revealed his job is not without its challenges, describing the abuse he’s received from spurned partners of his clients and instances where he’s had drinks thrown over him.

Mr Ge also weighs up every job before accepting it, saying he won’t deal with married couples and potential divorces, neither will he help anyone involved with or looking to get involved with a married person, or anyone who has a history of extreme behaviour, plus all clients must be over 20 years of age.

The majority of those enlisting the expertise of Mr Ge are ladies finding it hard to break-up from their angry boyfriends.

Not surprisingly, the hire service is not without its critics who say the break-up agent encourages casual relationships amongst young people.