Marquee hire boss designs new style banqueting chair

A marquee hire boss from Barnsley has come up with an innovative design for a banqueting chair which will enable hospitality services to offer reduced rates for event chair hire.

Jason Mace of Gala Tents has created a banqueting chair which folds up so that is it becomes completely flat making it easier to store and also to transport. Compared to the traditional fixed banqueting chairs, the new folding design takes up 50% less space when being transported or stored, thus reducing costs for the hospitality industry, the savings of which can be passed onto the customer.

The innovative design means that double the number of chairs can be transported in a vehicle which would only have been able to carry 50% of the number of traditional style chairs. The reduced transport costs will spell good news for the hospitality and furniture hire industry at a time when customers are looking to save costs wherever possible.

The folding banqueting chairs were debuted at a recent trade show, and the response was very encouraging. The new design banqueting chairs are now available to buy and come in a variety of colours including silver with a royal blue, gold or deep red cushion.